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Terms and Conditions


and conditions

Company Information
The group website is published by the Sasa Demarle Group, a simplified joint-stock company with share capital of 49 098 335 euros, registered with the RCS Paris under the number 823 653 431, and located ZI N°1 – Route de Pommereuil – BP 50009 – 59 360 LE Cateau-Cambrésis – France.

Intracomunitary number: FR56823653431
Phone : +33 (0)320588384
Email :
Publication Director : Mr Pierre Bonnet

Hosting Information
Carrot Web Agency Ltd.
Kemp House, 152 – 160 City Road, EC1V 2NX, London
United Kingdom
+44 1622370586

The purpose of these conditions is to define the terms and conditions under which the Sasa Demarle Group makes this site available to users and the conditions under which they access and use this website (the user). Any connection is subject to compliance with these legal notices that the Sasa Demarle Group reserves the right to modify or update at any time. Access to and use of this website constitutes your acceptance of these notices. If you do not agree with the clauses set out below, you are advised not to use this site.

The Sasa Demarle Group strives to keep this website accessible, without being under any obligation to do so. It is specified that for maintenance, updating, and for any other reason, notably of a technical nature, access to the Site may be interrupted. The Sasa Demarle Group is in no way responsible for these interruptions and the consequences that may ensue for the user.

The contents (in particular data, information, illustrations, logos, brands, elements created for the site, etc.) which appear or are available on this website are protected by copyright and other intellectual property rights and are the exclusive property of the Sasa Demarle Group. Any copy, reproduction, representation, adaptation, alteration, modification, distribution, in whole or in part, of the content of the Sasa Demarle Group site, by any means whatsoever, is illegal. The elements presented on this site are subject to change without notice and are made available without any warranty of any kind, express or implied, cannot give rise to any right to compensation. The information and images contained on the website are protected by copyright © 2020 Groupe Sasa Demarle. Logos are registered trademarks.

Altering and modifying the content or using it for any purpose other than that authorized constitutes an infringement of the property rights of the Sasa Demarle Group or third parties.
Within the limits below, the Sasa Demarle Group grants you the right to download and distribute the content, when the download functionality exists, for non-commercial purposes, in good faith and by keeping intact the proprietary notices as well as the date of online publication on the content, if this information is indicated. This right must in no case be interpreted as a license, in particular for a brand or logo.

To correspond with the Sasa Demarle Group by email, you must complete the electronic correspondence form offered on the Site. The answers formulated by the Sasa Demarle Group to emails, as well as access to the Site and to the contents cannot be assimilated or cannot constitute proof of the exercise of an advertising, promotional or commercial activity on the territory of the country where the user is located.

The information collected in the contact area of the site is processed for the Sasa Demarle Group. The purpose of this collection of information concerning the people who come into contact through the website is to manage the entry into contact and follow up on requests. The data retention period is 2 years for people who have not responded to any request from us.

You have a right of access, rectification, portability, erasure thereof or a limitation of processing. You can object to the processing of data concerning you and have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. You can exercise these rights with the Data Protection Officer at the following address: or by post to Groupe Sasa Demarle, Parc d’activité Les Ansereuilles 59136 Wavrin – FRANCE accompanied by a copy of a title of signed identity.

Computers connecting to the site’s servers can receive one or more very light text files on their hard drive, commonly called “cookies”. “Cookies” record information relating to the navigation on the site carried out from the computer on which the “cookie” is stored (the pages consulted, the date and time of the consultation, etc …). They identify successive visits made from the same computer. People connected to the Site have the freedom to oppose the recording of “cookies”.

Finally, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the National Commission for Data Protection, the supervisory authority responsible for compliance with obligations with regard to the protection of personal data. The Site may contain links to other sites. We inform you that the Sasa Demarle Group does not share your personal data with these sites. We inform you that when you leave our Site, you may be subject to other practices relating to the protection of personal data, over which the Sasa Demarle Group has no control and is not responsible.

The content published on the site is provided “as is” without any express or tacit guarantee of any kind. The Sasa Demarle Group reserves the right to modify, correct, interrupt and / or delete the content or access to the site at any time, without notice. The Sasa Demarle Group cannot be held responsible in the event of contamination of your computer equipment resulting from the spread of a virus or other computer infections. It is your responsibility to take all appropriate measures to protect your computer equipment.

In no case shall the Sasa Demarle Group, its employees, its suppliers, or the partners mentioned on the site be held liable, under an action for contractual liability, tort liability or any other action, for any direct damage or indirect, incidental or incidental, or of any kind whatsoever or of any prejudice, in particular, of a financial or commercial nature, resulting from the use of the site or from any information obtained on the site.

The site has links to sites that are partners of the Sasa Demarle Group or third parties, with the authorization of the latter. The Sasa Demarle Group has no control over these sites and therefore assumes no responsibility for their accessibility, relevance, availability, content, advertising, products and / or services available on or from these sites. Thus, the Sasa Demarle Group is not responsible for any direct or indirect damage that may occur during your access to or use of the partner’s site or even due to the non-compliance of this site with any regulations.

Any litigation relating to the site and to this legal notice is brought before the competent French court and analyzed according to the French legislation on the substance, independently of the conflict of laws rules. Use of the site signifies the express agreement of the user to the application of this clause. In the event that one of the stipulations of this legal notice is deemed illegal, void or unenforceable for any reason whatsoever, it will be considered as not forming part of this legal notice and will not affect the validity or application other stipulations.